Friday, June 22, 2012

Unit 4

Today we learned about projectile motion as unit 4. It's cumulative of everything we have learned up until now, as projectile motion is movement that goes vertically as well as horizontally. Learning about projectile motion has especially shed some light on the physics aspect of ball sports. I used to play volleyball and this unit made me think about volleyball serves. As players, we strive to get the "perfect serve" which in physics terms means getting the ball to travel a certain amount of meters in the shortest amount of time. This mean the velocity needs to be as fast as it can while keeping the arc you would see in a d/t graph really low. (just high enough so it goes right above the net). This makes me wonder whether figuring out the right velocity and angle of elevation of the serve using physics formulae would actually help in order to make your serve as precise and accurate as possible.

1 comment:

  1. It's cool how you made a connection to volleyball when we were launching rockets all day! There's a lot of stuff we can connect physics too, we just never think about it.
